Tuesday, August 6, 2019

"Fortune's Folly," a sweeping romance tale

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Fellow Solstice Publishing author Cat Dubie is with me today to discuss her June release!

It sounds like an awesome story, so take it away, Cat!

I’ve written creatively since forever, it seems. Poems, songs, short stories, novels, reviews, essays, even letters to the editor. My day job as a technical writer for various levels of government was the labor I did for a living so that in my free time I could indulge in my labor of love, writing fiction.

In the meantime, I married one of the good guys, raised three great kids, and now can indulge full-time in that loving labor!

About Fortune’s Folly

My first draft of a novel I tentatively titled Fortune was a whopping 160,000 words. As I took a knife to the words, I explored the possibility of turning it into a trilogy. Had my titles, plot points, characters… Then I realized book 2 was nothing more than a bridge between book 1 and book 3, it contained nothing but contrived filler that didn’t advance the story. Think characters biding their time until the exciting finale of book 3. So now I’m back to book 1 and the sequel, book 2.

Story basics:

1850s-1860s The tale moves from Ireland to England to the British Colonies in Canada, with quick stops in Egypt and Abyssinia. It includes a number of spicy love scenes.

This is Eden Fitzgerald’s story, a romantic saga that follows the daughter of an Irish patriot from brave child to alluring woman, from naïve innocent to determined feminist. When her father is unjustly imprisoned she uses her wits and wiles to do what she can, what she must to have him freed. When all else fails, she dons a disguise and resorts to highway robbery to amass the funds she needs to pay for his escape. Her crimes pile up one after another until, her own liberty and life in danger, she must flee to unknown territories.

It's also the story of Alex Banning, whose meeting with Eden in Ireland when the two are children brands them both for life. A dozen years later in another country, he and Eden discover a powerful attraction that, consummated one hot summer night, cannot be sustained in the light of day.  Having been forced to give up his career in the Royal Navy, Alex is a reluctant agent in Her Majesty’s Secret Service, a position that places him and Eden on opposite sides when he investigates her family’s ties to the Irish Republican Brotherhood. 

In addition, Fortune’s Folly is the story of the Fontaine men, two brothers and a cousin, scions of an illustrious Montreal family. André does not love Eden but marries her and will claim her child as his; Louis is dangerously obsessed with her; Laurent adores her from afar and is the unwitting catalyst for her flight.

Book 2, Fortune’s Flame, is a work in progress!
Author Cat Dubie