Wednesday, July 24, 2019

A Witch at Midnight released by Solstice Publishing
You can purchase "A Witch at Midnight" 
at Amazon by clicking on the book cover.
Solstice Publishing has released the second book in the Wysteria Hedge Haven Clan sisters, "A Witch at Midnight."

I wrote this book and my previous Solstice title, "The Seven-Year Witch," because of a dream.

Yep, I dream in book format sometimes, and I like the idea of sisters since I have some very awesome ladies in my life who are also my sisters, sisters-in-law, sisters by friendship, etc. I also love the idea of family sticking together.

My witches aren't wicked witch of the west types like you find in "The Wizard of Oz." They are more of the Glinda the good witch type--witches who love nature spirits and are on Earth to assist mankind. In my witch books, there's also a twist of "Practical Magic," the movie Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman starred in years ago.

While the witch sisters get into trouble, they find unique ways to survive and save the day. There's romance, adventure and humor in these stories, which is my favorite kind of book to write.

I hope if you read my books, you can relax and suspend reality for a while. There's too much drama and conflict in the world that can't be resolved, so go on a journey with my witch sisters and enjoy life.

Have your dreams encouraged you to accomplish something? 

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