Sunday, September 15, 2019

What dogs think about road trips

This little doggie went to market; this little doggie hates to stay home...

Ewok love, love, loves road trips! She understands specific words like, "Let's go," "Ride!" and "Go bye, bye." My husband and I can't say these out loud or she'll scamper to the door. Then it's disappointing for her to find out it's not really going to happen.

So we have a special language for mentioning the possibility of, ah, the possibility. "Should we take Ewok you-know-where?" "Do you think we should allow her to, well, you know..."

Once loaded in the car, if we drive in the direction of Ewok's grooming place, she'll shake and shiver, certain it's hair cut time. She hates getting purty-fied, but is happy when it's all over. If we go in the direction of the V-E-T, she's a hot, panting mess.

When Ewok finally realizes we aren't going to any of those dreaded places, she settles in for the trip. She loves hanging her head out of the window to smell the breeze. Long trips aren't for her, just short jaunts to the grocery store or a trip to gas up the car.

As she stares at the passing scenery, I always wonder what she's thinking. Maybe, "Sky is blue," or "Trees are green." If she spots someone walking their dog, does she think, "Mutt alert!"

If you have a dog and you take them for car rides, have you ever wondered what they think when they look out the window? 

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