Sunday, May 5, 2019

The art of doing nothing

Even something as simple as blowing bubbles can make us happy.
The Dutch call it "Niksen."

The word means, "doing nothing." It's the art of not meditating, not eating healthy or being actively mindful. It's just being idle.

I think we can all do that. But would it make us happy?

I've been sad and I've been happy. I much prefer happy. The best way I know to stay upbeat and positive is to constantly have something to do.

My mind races as I think of things in my life that need my busy hands and mind to stay engaged. From spending time with my grandchildren to cleaning my house to delving into new crafts, gardening, reading, writing or walking--I can think of a million things to stay occupied. I even get a handyman newsletter so I can handle simple homecare.

Remember the old saying, "Idleness is the Devil's workshop." The Devil can just stay away from me.

Then there are the things that I don't plan to do, that unexpected circumstances force me to do. Take, for example, what happened to me today. I knew I needed to write and I set aside time this afternoon to work in my office.

Hands held above my keyboard with every intention of hammering out a chapter, I heard a "thump, thump." Behold, a baby rabbit had fallen into the window well. Poor little thing. I couldn't leave it there. It would starve!

Little Bunny Foo Foo is hiding in the top right corner.

Wearing heavy work gloves and carrying a box, I went outside. I climbed down into the claustrophobic space, scooped out the happy hopper and set it loose. Off it ran, free to roam the yard as my hosta plants ripen.

Just in time to become salad for a bunny feast.

I don't care. Rescuing the bunny made me happy.

What makes you happy?

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