Monday, April 1, 2019

Inspiring through poetry

Did you know April is National Poetry Month?

The largest literary celebration in the world, millions of readers, students, teachers, bloggers and poets mark the important event.

In honor of National Poetry Month, my friend Mandie Hines has stopped by to talk about poetry. So heeeere's Mandie!

Mandie Hines
You wouldn’t know it to look at me, but I’m an introvert. If I could hide in a countryside cottage and never interact with another human outside of my family, I would.

As a result, no one is more surprised than I am that I host a monthly poetry reading. I have been an admirer of poetry and poetry slams for over a decade. It’s one of the few things I would endure crowds to watch. Mind you, that’s watching, not participating, and certainly, not hosting. However, I’ve longed for a poetry slam in my community for years and even scouted a few places in an attempt to find an inviting atmosphere for local poets.

When a bookstore offered a space in their establishment for a poetry night, I couldn’t pass it up. The greatest blessing that has come out of these poetry nights is the impact it has had on the participants. I’ve heard stories from poets who hadn’t written in years. At poetry night, they found renewed excitement about poetry and they are writing again. Some were scared to read their work in front of an audience, and now they come month after month to read their poems. I love watching the transformation of these poets who had somewhere lost their muse. Now they feel inspired by other poets and start creating again. Even my son read a poem for the first time at a recent poetry night. Shortly after that, he wrote his first poem outside of school.

Poetry readings and poetry slams have a similar function to writing workshops and writing groups. You’re surrounded by people with a similar interest, which leads to excitement and inspiration for the art and craft of writing.

By hosting these events, I’ve grown as an author and poet and learned I can survive public speaking events. Even greater than my personal growth is watching it change members of my community.

If you’re in Cheyenne, we’d love for you to attend our next event. We meet at Barnes & Noble the second Sunday of every month at 5 p.m.

Mandy Hines hosts poetry nights at Barnes & Noble the second
Sunday of every month at 5 p.m.

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