Monday, February 25, 2019

Walking the labyrinth

Cheyenne Botanic Gardens features The Garden
Labyrinth for visitors to enjoy. 
It's difficult to distinguish in the long afternoon shadows that these flagstones, dusted with snow on a cold day, are arranged in a labyrinth.

An ancient symbol, a labyrinth spirals and circles along a steady path. Some say following it completes a journey to the center of our being and then returns to the world. 

When we travel along the labyrinth, it becomes a  metaphor for our journey through life, which is sacred. Each person has their own unique journey.

In our lives, we change, grow, discover and transform over the years. We strive to do more, to understand more and to handle all things that fall in our path.

If you can find a labyrinth, it's fun to walk along the curving path and let your imagination soar. It's a place to meditate and it's a place to dream.To my writer's brain, the labyrinth is a secret portal to faraway worlds and book plots yet to unfold. 

Have you ever walked along the path of Cheyenne's labyrinth? Or maybe you've visited another place with a similar spiritual or sacred relic. What did it mean to you to touch it and experience the wonder?

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