Saturday, November 23, 2019

Who's the dishwasher whisperer in your house?

It was recently brought to my attention that I'm a fool when it comes to loading my dishwasher.

According to the hubs, there is a right and a wrong way to load and unload the contraption.

Since I am the inquisitive type, I Googled it. Rest easy, sports fans--there are YouTube tutorials!
God bless America, I'm saved from the dark side.

There are right and wrong ways to load. Really? Like, I've been doing it all wrong for 40 years? Be still my heart.

I'll share a few tips:

Todays dishwashers don't require a pre rinse, so they say. With no food particles on dishes, soap attacks the items, leaving spots on glasses and cracks on plates.

I beg to differ--I still like to rinse off the gunk.

The top rack is for glasses, soup bowls and large utensils. The bottom rack is for plates, (facing toward center) then pots and pans. Place knives down in the silverware baskets, so no one gets an ouchie whilst unloading, which is another topic.

For unloading, start with the bottom rack first and sort items as you go (no kidding?) Supposedly the proper loading of a dishwasher makes it easier for the proper unloading. Wow, I have chills running up and down my spine!

Well, now I have received an education about the proper way to work with a dishwasher. News flash--Mom handled the task without a tutorial or without my hubs griping at her.

Since my sisters and I learned from Mom, with her guidance, we instinctively knew the right way from the wrong way.

Regardless of my recent dishwasher education, hubs still likes to give me crap about how I conduct DW duty.

Guess who does the job now?

You got it! Hubs has been ordained Head Dishwasher Guru. He's retired, so he's got the time--plus, he does the job brilliantly.

Am I right?


  1. 100% right! I tell the guy, if you want something done right, do it yourself. I do think it's very common for a wife to find her husband has rearranged dishwasher items, and vice versa. It certainly happens in our house!
