Monday, April 15, 2019

"Cape Misfortune" by Henry Anderson promises delicious suspense

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Welcome everyone and thanks for stopping by! Today, my fellow Solstice Publishing author Henry Anderson will tell us about his writing journey and what his book, “Cape Misfortune,” is about.

Why do you write, Henry? 

I value stories. Stories make us think and feel. I have always loved experiencing the characters and places of someone’s imaginative world. I read stories throughout my childhood and later when I studied English at university. I continue to enjoy fiction during my adulthood. So in answer to the question, my way of viewing the world is through the prism of stories. Everyone is unique and has stories to tell that no-one else could. I would like to share a few of mine with other people. In reality things just appear in my head and I write them down! 

What has your writing journey been like? 

It’s been a long journey, but rewarding. I have written stories of one kind or another as long as I could write. I wrote plays at university. I worked as a news reporter (on non-fictional stories.) I started to write novels when I had a health scare and I realized there was no time like the present! Having them published has been incredible.

What advice would you give to new authors?
Don’t give up. Keep writing because you improve as you go along. Also, there is a saying in journalism – “if in doubt, cut it out.”

What future goals do you have for your writing career?

I would like to write more novels and continue to learn the craft.

Anything else you’d like to share with readers?

Try my new novel, “Cape Misfortune!”

"Cape Misfortune"

"Welcome to beautiful Cape Misfortune. Come for the rugged coastline and unspoiled beaches. Stay for the quaint customs and friendly welcome.”

Don’t ask about the people who are going missing.

Locals blame it on other-worldly creatures who use the fog as cover.

Disgraced police woman Deputy Cassandra Dollar is fighting to keep her job after her ex-husband has lied about her. Her shift Sergeant no longer believes a word she says and her new patrol partner is more dangerous than any of the criminals she faces.

Then "The Levitator", an ex-detective-turned-magician, offers to help Cassandra unmask a terrible mystery. Why are people going missing? Where are they being taken to?

Could an old house on a crumbling cliff be the gateway to another world?

Are the disappearances part of a conspiracy that threatens more than Cape Misfortune – maybe the future of the entire planet?

Solstice Publishing author Henry Anderson

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